This week was definitely packed full of discussions and content relevant to work/the workplace, urban landscapes, technology, environment/ecology, and war and terrorism. While it may be challenging to visualize and comprehend how all these various facets of society may fit, especially within the context of social problems, deeper reflection and critical analysis will most likely reveal the interconnected and/or overlapping relationships that exist between and across these same areas of focus. 

For this blog assignment, please look up a specific war or terrorist act from any time in history in any part of the the world that impacted the physical environment. Include a brief description of the war or terrorist act that you have chosen, and in your own words (make sure to include the APA-style reference(s) in your blog post), and address how this particular conflict resulted in inequality(ies) and/or injustice(s) in relation to one or more of the following factors:
  • Work/Labor/Workplace
  • Urban Life
  • Technology
In addition to providing a description and an analysis based on the criteria above, please also make sure to explain how you believe "war" and "peace" were justified in this specific war/terrorist act. Again, you are expected to support your claim(s) with relevant references.
***Your response (blog post) to this blog above is required by Tuesday, December 18, 2012  at 11:59 p.m. AND your three separate responses to your classmates are due on Thursday, December 20, 2012***
Fabrice Mboua
12/17/2012 06:02:13 am

The terrorist act I choose was the September 11th attacks in 2001. Obviously we all know the details of that terrible day, but according to the History Channel online, "19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airliners and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. Two of the planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania" (History Channel Online, 2012). After the attacks The Muslim community were subjected to great inequality(ies) and/or injustice(s) in urban life and through technology. According to Steven Greenhouse of the New York Times, many Muslims were experiencing racial discrimination in the workplace after 9/11 (Greenhouse, S 2010). As for inequalities using technology look no further than our airports. According to Michael S. Schmidt and Eric Lichtblau of the New York Times, "More than 30 federal officers in an airport program intended to spot telltale mannerisms of potential terrorists say the operation has become a magnet for racial profiling, targeting not only Middle Easterners but also blacks, Hispanics and other minorities" (Schmidt & Lichtblau, 2012). As for how "war" and "peace" were justified in this specific terrorist act, I believe you can say that the sole reason the United States and its allies went to war was in retaliation for the attacks on 9/11. Peace was disturbed by an act of war, so in retaliation the U.S. replied accordingly, "an eye for an eye" I guess you can say.

This Day In History: 09/11/2001 - Attack on America. (2012). The History Channel website. Retrieved from

Greenhouse, Steven. 2010. The New York Times. Muslims Report Rising Discrimination at Work. Retrieved from

Schmidt, M & Lichtblau, E. 2012. The New York Times. Racial Profiling Rife at Airport, U.S. Officers Say. Retrieved from

Daritza Lahoz
12/20/2012 11:11:47 am

Racial profiling has also affected everyone in general. In my opinion, it is sad to know that it isn't until tragedy that people later realize the importance of coming together and improving safety. In relation to the airport security, racial profiling is also evident in that they target people by their last name and require them to go through a more extensive process upon boarding their plane. The eye for an eye is a mindset that should be eliminated as nothing is ever proven, nor does it result in actual peace (of course peace is subject to varying personal definitions.)

Eric Pagdanganan
12/18/2012 04:12:49 am

The terrorist act that I would like to illustrate is the 2004 SuperFerry 14 Bombing in february 27, 2004 in the Philippines. It was perpetrated by Al- Qaeda linked Abu Sayyaf, a Islamist group in the Philippines. they bombed a ship that contain a lot of students, and some of the students on a championship team that competes academically in the philippines, and some people were passengers. the toll was 116 deaths and it was called the one of the worst maritime terror acts at sea. In the Philippines, 90 percent are christians, 80 percent are catholics and less than 10 percent muslims and other religion. In general, muslims experience more discrimination in the philippines than ever before especially in the northern Philippines where the capital and the business capital in the Philippines are. This terrorist act resulted in war in southern Philippines because they attacked civilians and innocent people. So the peace in southern Philippines was not attained. as a result, Filipinos in the southern Philippines was disarray.

Banlaoi, Rommel. (2011, February 19). Remembering 2004 SuperFerry 14 bombing: World's deadliest Maritime terrorist attack so far. Retrieved December 18, 2012, from

Daritza Lahoz
12/18/2012 10:24:46 am

On Sept. 11th, 2012, there was an act of terror in Benghazi, Libya. This act was described as “militants armed with antiaircraft weapons and rocket-propelled grenades fire[d] upon the American consulate, killing U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other embassy officials. U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton said the U.S. believed that Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, a group closely linked to Al Qaeda, orchestrated the attack” (Terrorist Attacks 2005.) Also, according to John Byrd (2012) “[the attack] began spontaneously, escalating from a public demonstration expressing opposition to an anti-Islam, YouTube video. The attack was in response to, or prompted by, the video.” It is clearly evident that after the attack, many people brought about the issue that Muslims right to free speech was being questioned (Weiss 2012.) Once a person is deprived of their rights, we question why people turn to acts of violence as a form of protest. With that being said, I would come to the conclusion that war is justified as a means of obtaining peace. In my opinion, it wouldn’t be possible to have one without the other simply because many people may sometimes consider it as being the only action that will allow their voices to be heard.

Byrd, J. (2012, December 17). Proper blame for Benghazi. Retrieved December 18,
2012, from
Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. or Against Americans (2005). Infoplease. Retrieved December 18, 2012, from

Weiss, D. (2012, November 4). WEISS: After Benghazi, Muslims attack free speech - Washington Times.
Washington Times. Retrieved December 18, 2012, from

Eric Pagdanganan
12/20/2012 10:48:49 am

good point about you cannot have only peace but no war. you also mention that war often the ways of others to be heard.

12/18/2012 10:28:47 am

I choose the war between Israel and Lebanon which happened in July 2006. Israel declared war on Lebanon as a result of a rocket attack initiated by Hezbollah (one of the military wing of Lebanon authority) on Israeli borders which resulted in the killing and capture of Israel soldiers. However, I respect the right of Israel to defend itself but violence or loss of life under any circumstance is regrettable and it should be discouraged. There is no alternative to peace, war encourages polarization between people and make it harder to achieve peace and unity. Nevertheless, The Hezbollah justifies this terrorist act on the basis of Israel attack on it people in the past while Israeli justifies it military action on it right to defend itself. Nevertheless, one of the net effects of this war was environmental problem which resulted from Israelis bombing of a power station. For example, 20,000 tons of oil was leaked into the Mediterranean Sea from damaged storage tanks as a result of the aforementioned military attack by the Israelis. The oil from the damaged storage spread out rapidly which resulted in the killing of fish and affecting the habitat of the endangered green sea turtle. The oil spill also resulted in air pollution which greatly affects the health of the people living in the city of Beirut.

richard yi
12/20/2012 10:45:00 am

Oil spill is a huge environmental problem that kills numerous habitats. I did not know about the oil spillage as a result of the Israel and Lebanon war. Hopefully they are making efforts to help clean up the oil and help maintain the Mediterranean Sea. This reminds me of the oil spills by Exxon and BP gasoline. Thankfully, both gas companies helped clean up the mess they caused and still do today,

Eric Pagdanganan
12/20/2012 10:54:16 am

I agree with you that war may result in destruction of our environment. In your example, oil spill is a very serious consequence because it takes time and effort to clean water, and water is never completely clean.

Daritza Lahoz
12/20/2012 11:02:12 am

Although I agree with your statement that war makes it harder to achieve peace and unity because all possibilities of cooperation were eliminated. In relation to war, I do believe that many nations choose to result to war simply because it is a means of revenge and a way of proving themselves to another. This mentality must be eliminated because we do not acknowledge the impact that it brings to lives of the people. When it comes to war, we also question the power of the people and why they are not able to vote or have a say in that decision. Also, in relation to the environment, the fish that do survive will have to migrate because their habitat, like you said, has been affect/ destroyed. As a result of the migration, they may possibly go extinct due to them being subject to pray. In terms of individuals, the bombing also contributes to air pollution with affects a persons health on several levels.

Golnaz Athari
12/18/2012 11:26:34 am

The United States War on Terror in Afghanistan:
Timeline: On September 11, 2001, Al-Qaida attacked the United States, by hijacking airplanes, and killed 3000 people in New York City. One month later, on October 2001, US-led bombing of Afghanistan began and followed by ground forces. On November 2001, Taliban retreated and government changed in Afghanistan but Al-Qaida leader, Osama Ben Laden, escaped. On August 2003, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) took over the control of the security forces in Afghanistan and started expanding their role outside of the capital Kabul. The suicide attacks, bombings and intense fights occurred started in Southern Afghanistan. By the year 2009, the number of U.S troops in Afghanistan reaches 100,000. (NBCNEWS, 2012)
On May 2011, U.S forces killed Osama Ben Laden while“There are about 67,000 U.S. troops currently inside Afghanistan.” (Mount, 2012)
The 11 years’ war has produced a variety of environmental casualties in Afghanistan. Air pollution, toxic waste, loss of natural resources, deforestation and declining biodiversity are some examples. “International organizations like the WCS, the UN's Environment Program as well as local outfits like SAVE, are trying to get back in to the country to begin work on environmental reconstruction, but their mission, of course, requires a certain degree of stability.”( Kamber,2002)
Mount, M. (2012, 11 12). Pentagon, White House planning on post-2014 U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan. Retrieved from CNN U.S.:
NBCNEWS. (n.d.). U.S. war in Afghanistan. Retrieved from NBCNEWS:
Kamber, M. (2002). Afghanistan's Environmental Casualties. Retrieved from

Daritza Lahoz
12/20/2012 10:03:25 am

The war has definitely affected the environment as you stated. Along with such harm on our environment, it is also important to point out the health hazards. In addition to it affecting an individual's respiratory system, it also imposes the development of asthma. Because it is a developing nation, it is also important to acknowledge who provides health care to these individuals, especially to infants.

richard yi
12/20/2012 10:41:25 am

Very good point. Many people do not think of the damages caused by war and more importantly, its impact on the environment. I talked about 9/11/01, which also had major environmental issues on air pollution as well.

Eric Pagdanganan
12/20/2012 11:00:17 am

The 11 year war in Afghanistan took a toll to afghan citizens. It is going to be a long process of prosperity in Afghanistan.

Richard Yi
12/18/2012 12:20:41 pm

On September 11, 2001, America was under attack by terrorists using hijacked planes to crash into the twin towers in New York. After looking an environmental article on 9/11, it is known that “pulverized concrete, building materials, heavy metals, and human remains were inhaled by residents and rescue workers in lower Manhattan until a heavy rain three days later washed away most of the dust” (Chalecki, 2012). This increased health risks for thousands of people who were near the attack. After this attack, people started to assume that all Middle Easterners were terrorists. The biggest change where this is evident is in airports and its security. It is known that airports are allowed to racially profile anyone whom they feel is a threat to their safety. Technology was also used to create safer security equipment and x-ray machines. I also noticed people started to give further respect to fire fighters and have greater pride in America. I never saw more American flags hung up on cars and homes ever. Also, Bush made it seem like we must go to war in order to bring back peace. He kept talking about the war on terror and how we must protect America. I even felt somewhat brainwashed that we must go to war to maintain peace again.

Chalecki, E. L. (2012). Terroism. Pollution Issues. Retrieved from


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